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Summer Time Bucket List

Summer is almost here!! For some of you, it has already begun, but for me, as I write this, my kids still have a couple more days of school.  We all know how crucial those last few days of school are *eye roll*...filled with movies and extra recess etc.  Honestly, I am excited for the season, but I also going to appreciate the last few days of normalcy, too!

In Texas, we have the long summer break that goes through late August.  Which means we have over 8 weeks of no school.  It's a long time.  Don't get me wrong, I love, love, LOVE having my kids home with me! I love the return to "easy" mornings to lay around, eat breakfast slowly and eventually start the day.  However, a week of this-great (maybe), more than that and you're asking for chaos!  There is nothing wrong with children experiencing boredom, I am a huge advocate of it in fact.  Again, however, too much of it and you're asking for chaos!

Also, I really love experiencing new things with my kids! I love having more time and freedom to play, explore and spend time with our friends and family.  Planning a summer bucket list, for us, isn't full of all-day events, or only really expensive, really special experiences.  It is simply put, an "Idea List," a guide of ideas to help fill our time and create some memories.  A lot of the items on our list include movies, because that is something we love to do together as a family.  Watching movies/shows while eating popcorn and treats all snuggled together in a dark room is just fun for us! My kids love it!

Also, if I may offer you some advice?  One mama to another? Plan activities with other moms!! DO IT! Just throw it out there! Make a group chat with friends (we all love those chats with 15+ people 🤣😝),  join a mom's group on Facebook, church group...I promise other moms are craving an activity, a break from the house and an adult conversation!  Pool dates are easy peasy, usually free and the BEST way to gather.  I mean, it's really prehistoric, right? To all gather at the watering hole, but for real, it's amazing.  Drop your kids in the pool, everyone has a friend.  All the moms bring random snacks (clean *clap* out *clap* that *clap* pantry! That ridiculously oversized bag of chips you bought--or worse--the one in a giant plastic jar!🤣 You can eliminate that eye sore from your life...until the next trip to Costco! The kids will devour it!)! Kids will play and play, you can chat and hold down a relatively normal conversation (no one is alarmed by your "mom outbursts" aka stopping mid-sentence to yell an order or answer a question for a child) and best of all, everyone will come home to crash out!! Then is dinnertime and the day is practically done! #boom #winning

Ok, end rant.

I've compiled a list of some activities as well as some other blogs that have more ideas/activities and also some website links to help you gather more information and create your own "Summer Bucket List!"

Movies:  (I like to go old school on some of these! Be sure to send me any other "classics" you love!)
The Sandlot
Dennis The Menace
Little Giants
Dr. Doolittle
Mrs. Doubtfire
Parent Trap
3 Ninjas
Ninja Turtles
*Life of Pets 2 -in the theater (after school treat! It opens this week!)

Both AMC and Santikos movie theaters offer summer (kid) movies for free!! They also have discounted drinks & popcorn!!

Stars and Stripes- drive in movie theater! This sounds like a fun experience to me! husband was quick to point out that it's hot and we're all in the car blah blah I'm not sure if this one will get checked off our list or not! 🤣

Food: (I just like to make food lists 😝...and these are some I am currently craving & some ideas that were submitted to me!)

S'mores - I found this adorable, and completely unnecessary S'more caddy at Target, but it's only $10! I guess it's not totally take camping, or to the park, pool etc.
Hot dogs (which we have already checked off our list...because 'Merica!)
Fried Chicken (Homemade)
Jello Cake
Make homemade ice cream (I don't have a machine or a recipe, this just seems like a good idea).
Free Slurpee Day at 711 on July 11th
Cow Appreciation Day at Chick-Fil-A -dress like a cow and eat free. Done. Kids can also hard me at free Chick-Fil-A.
Some Free Food ideas in June--because lets face it, cooking in the summer sucks!🤣
Other ways to snag some FREE FOOD!

TO DO: (San Antonio Area)

Outdoor (low cost/free)
Government Canyon State Natural Area-hiking/camping
Landa Park- I've never been, this is closer to Austin, but I've heard great things! It has a water source.
Cibolo Nature Center -They have a Little Explorer program once a week! Hiking, nature & water!
Hemisphere Park - Splash Pad, food, climbing structure and there are several activities listed on the website on different days.
Fischer Park -Awesome splash pad! Covered table area to bring lunch/snacks.  I also saw on the website they have movies in the amphitheater! They also have restrooms!

San Antonio Museum of Art- different programs available for kids-teens (I thought I saw that Sundays are free! You may want to double check on that for the summer)

DoSeum- This one is a little more pricey.  If you opt for this one, you have 2 options (as I see it), buy the season passes because it pays for itself in 2 visits! Or visit on one of the FREE family nights!  I linked it to the info on the free nights. My kids LOVE this place! There is so much to do, it really does take more than one visit...and even then, just going to a few exhibits will take hours! They have both indoor and outdoor exhibits, lots of hands on opportunities for kids.  My kids range from 3-8 and there is something for everyone! You can bring your own snacks or eat at the cafe, which is Bakery Lorraine!! :) *yum!

Witte Museum- Free admission on Tuesdays from 3-8pm.  If you take the Zoo Train one of the stops is at the Witte...just FYI. :)

The Science Mill - I haven't been to this one, yet, but it was referred to me and I fully trust the source! Similar to the other children museums it has varying exhibits and events, but seems to be geared more towards electronics and engineering.

McKenna Children's Museum-this one is similar to the DoSeum so it's really a matter of preference or location (this one is in New Braunfels).  This one, as I remember it (it's been a few years) is much smaller than the Doseum so it's a lot easier to take it all in and visit the different rooms.  It also has an outdoor water area and rope climbing.

Theme Parks (more pricey)
San Antonio Zoo -personally, this isn't a big one on our list.  We don't go every year, and if we do it is NOT in summer.  I've heard they have some water aspects for younger kiddos, but I'm not sure if that's still a thing.  Y'all it is HOT, HOT in Texas!  The majority of the zoo is, naturally, outdoors, in the sun, though there are some shaded areas.  If you want to hit up the zoo, I suggest get there early! Ride the train when you're done to cool off.  Feeding the giraffes was pretty cool though.  Also, get your tickets online because you can bypass the long lines!

Six Flags Fiesta Texas - this is a big purchase for sure and an all day event if you're not local/staying a few days and/or can't spring for the season passes (which are worth it, if you can attend more than once).  The usual theme park rides and attractions.  There is also a water park, which is INCLUDED in your pass for the day.  Parking may not be included depending on the package you get.  If you do opt for the season pass, which we have, they have fun holiday themed events around Halloween and Christmas which my kiddos love!   You also get guest passes throughout the year, on certain days, to bring friends.  There is an area with a splash pad and rides for younger kiddos as well.

Sea World- I feel like most San Antonians are either team Sea World or team Six Flags! 🤣 Maybe there are some super adventurous families who take on both...we are not that family.  Sea World is obviously another great park, theme park rides, splash pads, but the animals and the shows are the big draw here.  The Aquatica water park, is NOT included in the general admission so make sure you check what you're buying if you want the park and the water park.  I think you can also just opt for the water park and not the standard park as well.  I'm not a super expert on Sea World, but I'm also fairly positive the general admission park has a splash pad for some water fun, too.  

Other ideas...

Artworks Art Studio -they have classes, camps and open art times! I thought the prices for open art was pretty reasonable ($10 first kid and $5 for each additional)! Compared to me going to Michael's, buying the supplies then having to run the art class...I'll gladly give them my $20!🤣

Public Libraries - these are SO GREAT! They're FREE! They usually have story times for babies/toddlers/kids and include crafts etc.  Check out your local library and their schedule of events to confirm days/times.

Apple Camp - (ages 8-12) 3, free, 90 minute classes, must be accompanied by an adult, held in a local Apple Store.  I thought this could be something from Bryn and her dad do together!

Magik Theater -They have some fun, kid themed, shows this summer! I've never actually been, but I would love to go.

Altitude- Trampoline park...if you like to live life on the wild side.  Personally, my kids know it, I hate these parks! Unless I can go during toddler time (which is not available during the summer) it's just too crazy for me.  It's also a really pricey experience. ...But by all means have at it!

Andretti's-go kart racing, arcade, food! This place was fun!  Can be pricey depending on the packages  you get, but for our kiddos to race (even the 3 year old!! yes, cutest thing EVER!) It was like $5-$6 for each race (though the adult racing, I've heard, is much pricier).  We also bought a package for less than $30 that gave us unlimited arcade games for an hour...which, in my opinion, is plenty of time for everyone in an arcade! They loved it! The kids could play anything they wanted over and over!

Bowling - there are several establishments who offer free bowling for kids.  Check any bowling facility near you to see what summer programs they offer.

Whole Foods -free, story time, once a month.  I've never done this.  I'm guessing you can't leave them and grocery shop...but that would be a nice option!🤣. Can you imagine if Trader Joe's started offering this "free" service?! It would be free, but we would all leave after spending some $$.

Michael's -free kids classes and crafts.

Movies in the Park--there are several locations I've linked some below, but just google it-there are a lot.  I have my reservations on this...sounds really fun, right, but hear me out.  This is TEXAS SUMMER!  Did I mention earlier, its HOT, like effin HOT!  "Oh, but this is later in the evening, Tamara."  Yeah, so? Ya'll it's Texas! Maybe in June you could swing this, but not by August.  Also, "no seeyums" you don't see them, as the name implies, but you WILL feel them. Mosquitos. Chiggars. I know I'm sounding super negative Nancy here (no offense to any Nancys), but I just want to paint a real picture for you all in your rose colored glasses.  I could totally be wrong, this could be a magical experience.  *shrug*
Tower of Americas
Universal City

Here are some other blogs with a calendar of events for the area:
Alamo City Moms Blog
Water Activities
Some adult ideas

Hopefully, this info will help you out this summer! Plan a bucket list of ideas and just have fun!!



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