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What's Fabric?

David's Bridal Highly Educated & Well Informed Employee: Thank you for calling DB. How can I help you?

Me: Hi, yes I'm trying to order several yards of fabric.

DBHE&WIE: I'm sorry, what? I don't understand you?

Me: I'm trying to order some fabric.

DBHE&WIF: order what?

Me: Fabric. F-A-B-R-I-C (yes, I spelled it out for her just mistakenly thinking this would in some way make the communicating proces easier).

DBHE&WIE: I don't know what that is.

Me: (stunned, but I'm used to working with stupid people on the's my attempt to 'dumb it down') the stuff the clothes are made of--cotton, taffeta..?

DBHE&WIE: Oh! Oh, I don't know...let me transfer you to alterations.

Long story short: alterations first language was NOT English. She transferred me back...

Hung up--called another location. They're going to call me back tomorrow to let me know.

ps Tanlee-you owe me.


larshannon said…
I love how you dumb it down for her. Awesome
Unknown said…
what are you going to do with this fabric???? (just wondering...)
Tamara said…
my little sister is engaged...I'm having my dress made, because I didn't want any of the ones they had to offer.
How freakin hilarious! Oh I wish you would have recorded that conversations so I could roll on the floor while laughing!
Chrissy said…
Tamara! It's Chrissy Freeman... Oliverson. :-)

I found your blog through Jayce and Danielle's...

You are hilarious... I read back a little bit and I think my favorite parts are the videos of the fat dog running up the stairs! and I watched it on mute! :-)

Oh, and we're glad to see you got your puppy... we were there when you publicly made your plea over the pulpit (lots of p's in the sentence, weird.) to your husband. What kind of adorable breed is he?!

Anyway, I'm a huge proponent of blogs... so I'm super excited to have found a new one to follow!
Tamara said…
yay! you found me! ...I'm still relatively new to this and don't update it nearly as much as Brent would like :)

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