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our very first blog

As Mrs. Brent Shannon elect, I figured it was time to assume my duties as such and blog!  As you all know Brent and I recently got engaged (November 20th) in the beautiful NYC!  This is my first blog and I'm having to share it, yay marriage (only kidding, I'm very excited)...a step up from facebook I guess, but everyone has to grow up sometime.

OUR STORY....(from my perspective, mostly)
Brent and I actually met about 4 years ago at a church dance in austin.  It's funny how I still remember meeting him and talking to him and even what we talked about (how texas tech was lame etc.).  This brief encounter never amounted to anything though; I was with someone else at the dance (sort of, we won't open that can-o-worms) and he never asked for my number. Looking back though, it's probably for the best I was only 19 and Brent was 26.  He did, however, leave an impression on me...I was reading in my journal and out of curiosity starting looking for a date around the time we first met, and sure enough! he managed to get a spot in THE journal. Brent says he doesn't believe me, I think he just wants me to show him my journal--denied!

Our story continues...about 2.5 years later when we met up at yet another church activity (I guess those YSA's are good for something).  At this point, however, we hadn't figured out who the other was nor had we realized that we'd met before.  I can imagine though that it was magical....the song from Sleeping Beauty comes to mind :)

Fortunately for us, we had friends in common...and through a series of double dates somehow ended up being 'friends' on our own.  Another plus was we both work at the same company!  Thus enabling us to frequent, enjoyable lunch dates.  Though I use the term 'date' loosely.  We typically talked about his romance with another girl (awkward), and I always paid for my own meal (tragic).  I remember how confused I was the first time he paid for my lunch, but I wasn't gonna argue about it. I guess that was around this time last year (Nov/Dec).

The first date I remember was to watch White Christmas.  He emailed me at work and said something to the effect of "how about after dinner tonight we watch White Christmas?" I swear I melted right on the spot, he's no Shakespeare mind you, but I liked it.  

The rest is history!  Well, not exactly, but you know how we ended up.  The date is set!  April 18, 2009 San Antonio, Texas temple...2pm 


larshannon said…
Yay, yay, yay! I'm so excited for you to join the family! Oh, and I enjoy keeping in touch through blogging.

We've marked the calendar and are ready for April!
Amber Stevenson said…
Yay Tamara! I love the blog and am so excited for your big day! We will be there for sure!!

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