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Christmas Spirit

Quick wedding planning update:
....and that's all I have.  We're still looking into reception halls, photographers etc., but we're only 4 months out, this should be cake!  Oh yeah, and we need cakes...yay!

This week has been beyond busy for the both of us.  Things at work are so busy, and then not to mention all of the Christmas protocol--buying presents, company parties/gift exchanges, church activities and of course, in our efforts to push SA to #1 fattest city, making a ridiculous amount of desserts.   As you may have noticed most of those 'activities' are primarily directed towards me, but Brent still manages to claim he too is busy.  I am too busy to argue, so I've learned to just roll with it. :)

As usual, I have postponed my Christmas shopping to days before Dec. 25th.  For me, if I'm not rushing, stressing and forcing my way through crowded malls filled with very determined mothers it's simply NOT Christmas.  

Brent and I had quite a time today shopping; both of us love crowds, lines, and bad drivers so you can imagine the excitement.   We split up to shop for each other, but were on the phone with each other at least 90% of the time.  Shopping for the nieces and nephews is always fun though!  I get to play with the Barbies and all the fun girly stuff while Brent's over in the GI Joe section oOogling over the intensive detail work on the new GI Joes.   I realize now how old I am because half the time I kept saying, "I don't know what kids like these days!" Good grief!!  I didn't realize I'd be one of "those adults" so soon.  Then, I constantly have to sit because my knees/legs hurt...old age really does creep up on you.  

We finally made it back in one piece, and I think have almost completed all the shopping.We failed to get more wrapping paper see the problem.  Additionally, we're speaking in church tomorrow; I am finished with my talk, Brent well....fortunately, church doesn't start until 3. 

This will be our last Christmas apart (and my last as a Jung)!! :)  Brent leaves to Lubbock on Monday.  I'll be here until Friday, then I fly to Lubbock for the weekend.  

Thus, it is doubtful that I will post again prior to 12/25 so...Merry Christmas!!


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