I'm having a Mr. Mom moment (shame on you if you don't know that movie; classic-watch it). My maternity leave is coming to an end soon, so it's time to 'kick it into gear!' I've had my time of laziness, but it can't go on forever. Furthermore, I know I'll be unhappy with low productivity levels. I recognize that my to-do list can't be as extensive as it once was because, I am not entirely responsible for my time these days. I do, however, recognize that I need to manage my time more wisely . Thus, I have decided, it starts tomorrow (though not technically the end of my maternity leave, my OCD requires me to start this at the beginning of the week...if I start mid-week I'm less likely to be successful due to my high levels of rationalization/justification--aka I'm good at BS-ing even with myself--and would talk myself into starting next week). Goal #1: I MUST get back into shape. I've invested way too much money in my jean collection to...
Just a blog about life: wifery, mom life', working out, beauty and all sorts of tips & tricks I've learned along the way.