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Showing posts from February, 2010

A New Way to Say, "I Love You"

Like any Sunday, I fell asleep on the couch for a good 15-30 minutes (who's counting?). I woke up when Brent came back downstairs and sat next to me on the couch. He rested his head on my hip (I lay on my side)-no big deal-then a few minutes later said," did you pee?!" At first, still coming out of my coma, I thought 'no, I'm pretty sure I didn't', then I realized he was directing this towards Winston. Then I realized that my hip had a strange spot and was damp!! I must be a more sound sleeper than I thought, because I felt nothing and it was cool by the time we discovered it so.... I guess I should be flattered; (I looked it up on dog training) apparently, he loves me and is 'staking his claim.' Happy Valentine's Day--Love, Winston. (p.s. this is the second time this has happened-first time I was awake though)

To Wii or not to Wii

For my birthday, my loving husband surprised me with a Wii! Equipped with controllers and the newest Super Mario Bros (where up to 4 people can play at one, but less effective). Needless to say since that time less and less seems to get done around the house. For instance, tonight I had New Beginnings for mutual (-sidenote: I have a new calling as the 2nd counselor in the YW program-VERY excited!). I asked Brent to straighten up some as the in-laws will be here on Fri. and our family room is a disaster zone--but we cleaned the office! (aka transferred everything to the family room). I come home to find, Brent, Aaron, Winston, and you guessed it level 6 of the Wii. He did shred some of the documents that required shredding. How do I know? There is a million little pieces of shredded paper on the floor. Lovely. p.s. I'm not actually annoyed..I love him, and am also slightly addicted to the Wii....