I am a planner. I like to plan. I'm a creature of habit and routine and I am perfectly fine with this. I like to know what's going on and preferably arrange the details to my liking. Some may mistake this for being bossy, but I just tell them to hush and do as they're told. This mentality does, however, sometimes present a problem. It seems, much to my displeasure, that things in life are not always so easily manipulated and controlled. I'm stressed out with work; working at a job I 98% of the time do not enjoy. My husband is pulling 40+ hours at work then studying in his free time. Needless to say, he's also a bit strung out. I am ashamed to say that I had a slight breakdown this week. One night it just happened...I just had to cry. This concept is a strange idea for men; they don't seem to understand. Brent, the great husband he is, instinctively tries to fix and resolve all of my problems. This, as every woman knows, is useless at a time like...
Just a blog about life: wifery, mom life', working out, beauty and all sorts of tips & tricks I've learned along the way.