We made it to our 3 month mark, hurray! We celebrated by doing what everyone does here in San Antonio- we ate! We went to J. Alexander's at the Quarry and it was fabulous. The most exciting part though was that I discovered a new way to style my hair for the event. :) jk, Brent's the best part. We have truly grown so much as a couple. It's hard for me to imagine my life without him...weird. Though I can imagine life without all the extra laundry and dishes! Ok, ok, that's enough gushy-mushy stuff. There hasn't really been a lot going on lately...at least not with me. I have a million 'projects' I want to start on, but have yet to. I'm still in the brainstorming phase...trying to decide where to begin. That tends to be a fault of mine. I have SOO much I want to do that I can't decide what to do first. Then I overwhelm myself and then nothing gets done. I think I'm really close to making a decision....I can feel the progress on the ho...
Just a blog about life: wifery, mom life', working out, beauty and all sorts of tips & tricks I've learned along the way.